Saturday, January 22, 2011

Time Off Was Nice, But I'm Back!

Ohai everyone!
Guess who it is!!
Yup. I'm back. It's me, iChromeX.
So today that plan (or as Rob called it, that "uber secret project") finished. It's (somewhat hidden) on my website if you want to see it, but the most important reason of my absence was so that I could take focus off of WeAmDev and focus on learning to code! That's right, I'm on my way to Objective-C, and being a junior dev here. I started the book I got, but time didn't allow me to get too far. However, I'm still learning, and so soon enough you should see some work by me, *maybe* even a new app.
So that's really all I can say (because I'm not as good with words as I was surprised to find Rob is) for now. Keep an eye on me, and be sure to follow me on Twitter (@iChromiumX)!

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up guys, hopefully Cydia will be gone before you know it!
