Saturday, January 22, 2011

Time Off Was Nice, But I'm Back!

Ohai everyone!
Guess who it is!!
Yup. I'm back. It's me, iChromeX.
So today that plan (or as Rob called it, that "uber secret project") finished. It's (somewhat hidden) on my website if you want to see it, but the most important reason of my absence was so that I could take focus off of WeAmDev and focus on learning to code! That's right, I'm on my way to Objective-C, and being a junior dev here. I started the book I got, but time didn't allow me to get too far. However, I'm still learning, and so soon enough you should see some work by me, *maybe* even a new app.
So that's really all I can say (because I'm not as good with words as I was surprised to find Rob is) for now. Keep an eye on me, and be sure to follow me on Twitter (@iChromiumX)!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So, we have some people that completed our challenge, and are now part of the team:


They were the only two to complete the challenge, so give them congrats! And to everyone who didn't understand the HTML contest, sorry!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

To Our Friends That Know HTML and PHP.....

Ok, so as many of you have seen, we have been running a contest for joining us as our new dev. However, for people that know HTML and/or PHP, we have something for you! Ok, so the challenge: design a homepage for our newest project fr0stint0sh. The best homepage will will and the designer/coder will become the (2nd) next WeAmDev team member.

Things to remember:

1. The homepage must have a /working/ sign in system on in.
2. The homepage's images(if any) must be /easily/ changed.
3. Designs must /not/ use flash content
4. Designs must not be copyrighted(only created by you)

Good Luck HTML Guys!

And PS: Again, Adam will interview you as well like he is with the winner of the other contest, and if no one emerges victorious we will select the winner from another list of names. So, good luck, you have until 1/11/11(same as the other contest) to submit your pages. All submissions should sent to the email with either a link to the page or with the .html/.php as an attachment.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

So You Want to be a WeAmDev(er)?

Now, since WeAmDev is short one member, we have decided on a challenge to determine iChromeX's successor.

Codename: Fr0stint0sh
In order to apply, send us a program for Macs that looks like the App Store and can load custom HTML pages. It must also be able to download and install packages (think Icy for Mac).
Ad you may have guessed, the name of this program will be Fr0stint0sh.

The deadline is Jan 11, 2011 at 11:11 AM (or 1/11/11 @ 11:11) (We love binary).

Email the finished product to our support email, The best one will be chosen by the team and its creator will be interviewed online by me. If you are accepted, you will become the newest WeAmDever (and I won't be the rookie anymore!)
If nobody succeeds, we will select the next person.

So, good luck and happy coding! Any questions may be addressed to our twitter account @WeAmDev, my twitter account, @AdamApollo11, or the team email,



To be more accurate with our challenge:

What we want is something that looks like this

Except instead of showing the mac app store pages we want to have custom URL's shown within the app.

Also Needed:
Downloads available from within app
Pages need to load on their own
"Tabs" must move the app from webpage to webpage
When you click on a different "tab" and a new page loads you /must/ be able to resume your last "tab's" webpage

Good Luck - RobinoFree & Adam

Sacrifice For the Better of the Community

Loosing a friend is like the end of something great. When its over, you don't know what to do. Sometimes you look to a memory to remind you of the fun times you have with the person. Sometimes the memory clouds your thoughts, your words, and your judgement. You focus on just keeping that person around for just that second longer, but you know it is what is best for you and them. iChromeX was not just a team member, but a friend to us all. He brought new fresh ideas when we needed them most. He was the inspiration for fr0st(he liked the App Store's layout better than Cydia's) as well as many other ideas that we have had. I always looked to him for advice on many Public Relations things done, and kinda thought of him as my right hand man.

So, the only way that I see to honor him, and his ideas is to work on something that he would be proud of. What that is, I currently don't know, but I do that iChromeX knows what he wants. He is currently working on an uber secret project(even uber secret to us), so he is happy. And in the longrun, isn't that what matters most? Even when something directly affects you, you shouldn't care about yourself.

What the problem with people is that they only think for themselves, look at comex. His email is swamped with jailbreak questions because of people being self-centered. Now, should we care about the happiness of others, or our own wants?

I am happy for iChromeX, and I hope everyone realizes that he didn't want to do this, but he thought that his secret project would better the community, and the WeAmDev Team. You can't be a good community member when you only work for yourself, and yourself alone. When you give up your friends to help them and other people you /don't/ even know, thats character, so I applaud you iChromeX. Thank you. Thank you for everything you have done for us, for the community, and for everyone who will ever be helped by your new project.

Your Friend,


Goodbye, iChromeX

Sadly, iChromeX has left WeAmDev.
Here is his resignation via twitter:
Hey all. I have some sad news: I'm leaving WeAmDev. It came to my attention that I've caused some corruption in the team; it's largely my fault that Maximus left, for one thing. It's NOT anything personal - Rob Ben and Adam are all great, and are some of the few people that I only know online that I consider my friends. I'm also disconnecting from the scene for a lil while, and giving Fully Featured to a friend for the time being. Thanks to all of you for the ride. It was great. Special HUGE thanks to , , and iMaximusX (if he's reading this). Don't worry, I have a plan. All will make sense soon. Thanks again, I'll miss you all.

We are very sorry to see you go. You were a great addition to the team, and (still are) a great friend. Thanks for everything, and good luck.
