Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Installer

Ok, so a few days a go I posted this. Now, I do know that we kinda promised a new Icy, but I had a (pretty) good idea. My working title for this idea is Fr0st, but not everyone is going to like this new installer.......

Before I give any real pictures I do want everyone to understand that Icy 2.x is not dead, its just I personally will not be working on it(that sosumeh's job). This is /not/ going to kill Icy in anyway.

Ok, so here is a quick look that I made in about an hour or two of (kinda) what I hope Fr0st will look like.

Look familiar?

Now of course the two donate buttons at the top of the first picture are place holders, but fr0st is currently a work in progress. Its kinda a closed system at the moment, but I am working on making it so you can add other repos than the defaults that we provide, but we currently are only supporting the following repos:

  • ModMyi
  • Big Boss
  • ultrasn0w
  • Cydia Telesphoreo
  • WeAmDev
  • ZodTTD

To people that pirate App Store software, we will never have Hackulo or SiNfuL as a default source(when we add custom repos you can do that then until then, use Icy 2.0 or Cydia for that).

Other than this, this works /REALLY/ fast, as in /faster/ than the App Store currently is, and will very soon be iPad compatible. So, tell me what you think of this app(it will soon be released as a proof of concept) via my twitter @RobinoFree or send it to our email

Hope you guys like this first look!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Icy 2.1 Update

Ok, so we said Christmas release, sorry. Ben had a few problems getting Icy to install packages(kinda a big bug). So I started at the point that Max left off, and I think I got a lot of work done! Now, I did post on my twitter this image. And yes, iPads do have a custom homepage :). But what I also want to show you is these:

Yes, landscape is working again!

Indexing on the "Installed" tab(thanks to unfinished code done by iMaximusX that I completed)

and again, landscape, but on the iPhone!

Hope these pictures bring hope to people, but until tomorrow I can't test on an actual device, so no release for a little while longer, sorry :(.

Anyway, enjoy these pics, when I get Icy 2.1 on my iPhone I will be sure to film it and post on our YouTube account. So, in the next few weeks, keep an eye on But if you don't want to, we understand, we will also post a twitter announcement when it is released!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Icy 2.0

We finally made a movie showing off Icy 2.0... view above!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Rob's Thoughts on SiNFul iPhone

Ok, so, if you downloaded Icy from the SinFul iPhone repo we strongly suggest that you delete it. After you delete Icy, I now suggest that you should install it from our SAFE repo: Why we say this:

1. SiNFul iPhone is not a good repo at all. We as 100% against piracy, and since SiNFul is basically 100% pirate, we don't like them.


2. SiNFul also supports many AppStore pirates aswell by giving out the app "Installous". This app alows users to illegally download AppStore Apps, so aswell, this is bad.

Ok, now you may be thinking: "Isn't Icy free?" and to this we say, yes you are stealing a free balloon(SpongeBob), but just having SiNFul isn't good at all, let alone downloading apps from it. Now, looking at our support email,, I noticed that about 90% of all problems reported with Icy were from users that downloaded Icy from SiNFul. So is this a link to THEIR version of Icy? Probably, they copied our app and rebuilt the package with their package name(com.sinfuliphone.icy).

So, please, don't pirate! And let's start a revolution against the SiNFul iPhone Repo! I'm sure many developers will agree with us about SiNFul, and I hope that you all see the points that I brought up in this post. But anyway, enjoy the weekend, and look for Icy 2.1 soon!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sinful iPhone

Hello all.
If you have the Sinful iPhone on your device (which we all STRONGLY advise against) you may have noticed that our Icy is on their repo. DO NOT DOWNLOAD IT FROM THERE! It is already free on our repo, and many people have complained that it broken when downloaded from Sinful. We have contacted them, however there very rude staff have been arguing with me (iChromeX) a lot and generally giving me a hard time. Hopefully they will take it down, but sadly we can not do anything to stop them. We hope that Sinful ends up closing the same way Limewire did.
Thanks for reading and understanding!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

New Member

The WeAmDev Team has just gotten a new member (me), AdamApollo11. He (I) will work on HTML coding and graphics.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

About That App......

Ok, so last night I said that we are currently working on an app featuring you, the iOS community. Now, you might be asking, "Featuring Us?????" and I will answer that with:

Yes, this application uses the technology of a user forum mixed with some other cool stuff like a community owned youtube channel(which will host "how to" videos made by the community), as well as some other cool stuff that we will not announce(super secret)!

And now, I leave you all with this:

Would you submit to this community youtube channel?

send your response to our twitter account: @WeAmDev
or send it to our email:

Happy Icying

Monday, December 6, 2010

We Lost? Typo? Cause I'm Pretty Sure We Won.....

Ok, so today we received this tweet. And yes, it gets worse. In this follow up his language gets a little, um, obscene. So, if you are as interested in this little boy's claims as we were, here are the photos we received of his "Icy." Photo 1 and Photo 2. What I have learned from his pictures:

A. He went and downloaded Icy for iOS 4.0 from one of many repos
B. He is an app pirater(arg matey!)(look at Photo 1, the only two repos he has are SiNFull and Hackulo)

What everyone else should take from this:
A. We are not "fake", "bootleggers", and/or "gay" <- no offense to any homosexual readers, we are just reiterating what he said about us.
B. Our Icy works on iOS 4.0 and up, so he never really did beat us....
C. People on the Internet can be fake.

And if you have read this entire article through thank you, I have a little announcement for the people that stuck in there. We will be releasing an iOS community app very soon, the base code has been done, we are just looking for extra time to finish it up.

Have A Wonderful Day! Happy Icying!

PS. yeah, I totally did two blog posts in one day

To Clarify

Icy 2.1 will be coming on one very sn0wy and m3rry day. New features will be listed later, and it will definitely work on iOS 4.0+ as like all Icy 2.x releases. We are very sorry to all who have 1st gen devices, we are working to fix that! And to anyone claiming to work with us, the only people working are myself (RobinoFree), Chromium_X, and sosumeh. iMaximusX left our group for many reasons that will not be mentioned in this post, but we want you all to know that Icy 2.1 WILL be coming out, we promise! And to other copies of Icy out there, as far as we know the only working copy is ours (Other versions are, um how should I say, not cool?). So, only download anything called "Icy" from, or if you are using 3.1.3 you can download the orginal 'Icy" from

Happy Icying!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Icy is Back... Again

Hello all.
Sad to say that unfortunately the tension has exploded here at WeAmDev, and in the process we lost one of our most valuable members: Maximus. He was the main coder, and let me say a fine coder. All releases before our next one should mention that Max was the only person who actually did work on it. We should be welcoming new members soon, but until then not too much will be done here. The good news out of this is that Icy has come back from the dead, and support for the latest versions of iOS will continue. Hopefully this brings a smile to you!
Happy Icying.
~Comet X

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Icy - Well, That was Fast

Hello all.
Sadly, Icy 2.0.1b2 will be out soon and will be the last version of Icy. Many are upset by this, but here's the good news: you will still be able to download Icy from the repo. Functionality will continue, but it will not be updated for the future iOS versions. Hopefully nothing will stop it from working, but I have a feeling that it will not work on iOS 5 and beyond. It should (should) work with the rest of the iOS 4 releases, however. WeAmDev has had a lot of drama in the past few days, starting with Icy's cancellation, but it looks like things will go uphill from here. All of our members ended up staying, so hopefully things will stay the same. Scary that I had to say "hopefully" so many times :P.
Thank you all for reading. Lots of new projects coming soon! Be sure to follow us on Twitter for our latest updates; links over there >
~Comet X

Sunday, November 28, 2010

NEW Icy Update

Well, it seems like development on Icy seems to be going at an alarmingly fast rate. I think we will hit our next BIG update(2.1) by mid December(don't hold me to that). Wow, RiPDev never would have thought that Icy would ever have gone and come back like this. Anyway, on a different note, it seems our friends at the iPhone Dev Team have released the new iPhone unlock. Instructions are here. All credits for ultrasn0w go to the iPhone Dev Team.

Happy Unlocking!


Let's see what this looks like...... If it works, I'm happy.

Friday, November 5, 2010